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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

celebrate the victories

I am going to back pedal into 2013 for a bit in order to highlight two very special events that NEED to be shared. It will be a two-part post, so just hang tight for part 2, okay?

Let me first start this off by saying that I am constantly talking about how these amazing, beautiful, LIFE CHANGING events that are all for the Kingdom of God, need to be shared… and I big time apologize for it taking so long to get these inspiring words and photos out to you.

Back in the Spring of 2013, my lovely friend Shannon called me. Now, Shannon isn't just one of those people you meet and forget. Shannon is a vibrant, feisty, hilarious, beautiful lady who has a personality the size of Texas… ooooorrrr, maybe even the entirety of Northern America. Anywho, Shannon called me to see if I knew of anyone who would be available to tackle some yard work at her parents house. Side-step with me for a sec. Shannon's parents are spot on some of the best people I've ever met. Dan is a teddy bear. An observant. incredibly hard-working, sarcastic {had to throw that one in there!}, gentlemen who is fighting his behind off, kicking cancer in the rear… not just cancer, round TWO of Non Hodgkins (now Hodgkins) Lymphoma.
Carolyn is sheer love. This woman is always crying for someone. Tears of joy, heartache, empathy, sympathy, understanding, love…  she is a wealth of prayer and thankfulness beyond my scope of compassion. I LOVE this family. L.O.V.E.
Sooo, of COURSE when Shannon called, our Life Group just-so-happened to be looking for a service project. {{God's perfect timing always blows me away!}} Within a week we had a date lined up and several people on board to help.
(Huge thanks to Mike Davisson for being a coordinator for all of these projects!)

When the people of Impact Fellowship Church make a move to step into the lives of a family needing a service, it's an absolute, heart-filled, blessed event. The "yard work" turned into a Saturday in which dozens of volunteers came and put in over 100 man {and woman} hours so Dan didn't have to worry about any of the physical labor that yard work requires.

Not only was the yard mowed, the leaves raked, the typical yard debris picked up… an old fence was torn down and a new one built, a drain down the set of stairs was installed, and the front flower bed was landscaped. The most exciting part was that Dan didn't know. {He was fishing and saw my blasted Facebook post about everyone's hard work. Darn it Dan, you aren't supposed to check Facebook while you're on a fishing getaway! Wink.} Carolyn was overwhelmed at the response and jumped in to help despite our repeated attempts to have her relax and let us take care of it.

The entire day everyone worked so hard, with such heart and joy. THIS is what serving is all about. THIS is what community and family and truly being the hands and feet of Jesus means. We are ONE body with ONE purpose and lives were changed that day. Maybe not in visible, high magnitude ways… but in the profound, deep ways. Such as the Myers boys, who came out and helped for hours upon hours and were thrilled to be there, carrying boards with nails, sweeping, picking up branches and  following an example their wonderful parents are setting for them by SHOWING them how to serve. In addition to the labor, connections and friendships were made that might not have been otherwise.

The Myers Family

Powerhouse volunteers!

As a group we strive to live out Matthew 5:16
 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 

We want our lights for Jesus to be so bright, so blinding, so pure, so filled with the Spirit and His truth that it pours out, spills over and creates a tidal wave of love that our community cannot help but see. 
It is simply God reflected in and through us. 
These groups of people who gather in His honor to fulfill the needs of another make my heart soar in radiant happiness and gratitude. 
Thank you to all of you who donated your time, your finances, your prayers, your friendship, your products and services. Dan & Carolyn were filled to the brim with appreciation!

When we were "finished" that same day, we had made quite the progress…
Back Yard BEFORE and AFTER
While we were working, a Mommy robin kept flying down, grabbing worms and taking them up to her three babies in their nest on the curve of the downspout. It was a precious event that did not go unnoticed, so naturally, a bird bath was the perfect missing piece to flower garden. Hopefully the local birdies will give Dan and Carolyn some great bird-watching moments. 
A few short weeks later, the flowers had all filled out nicely!
Front Garden BEFORE and AFTER

Thank you again to everyone who played a part in this service day. We treasure you all and look forward to all of the opportunities God places before us, where we can come together and glorify Him. 

In Him,

PS- If you are desiring a relationship with our Lord and Savior, if you simply have a question or two {or twenty}, if you want to know more about Impact, or you would love to get involved in these service projects, please check out and contact Impact Fellowship Church.

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